
UbiZ allows you to connect with your customers.

The UbiZ application provides you with a powerful and 'easy-to-use' marketing tool. It enables you to optimize a perfect digital marketing strategy with your customers and offers more benefits to your business.

Thousands of merchants worldwide have significantly improved their business, gained more loyal customers, and increased their profits using the UbiZ application.


Google Play


Apple Store


Android Score



Create your ad in 3 easy steps:

1. Complete the Main Information

Enter all the information describing your business or activity, including social media, address, phone numbers, website, and promotions.

2. Upload Your Images

Create your gallery with impactful images that grab attention and promote your activity.

3. Publish

Verify your ad in the preview, and publish. Your customers can now follow your ad and receive exclusive promotions and notifications.

Why choose Ubiz?

Dynamic Push Notifications

Create real-time special offers dynamically based on location, preferences, and needs.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Enable direct and interactive communication with your customers.

Instant Communication

Reach your market at the right moment through push notifications, whether the app is running or not.

Become an Expert

Full access to electronic tools and tutorial videos where you can learn all the features and explore the full potential of this incredible loyalty tool.

Customize Your Strategy

Offer instant special promotions to your customers, allowing you to target specific market segments with special offers or services.

Customer Loyalty

The UbiZ application allows you to launch your own personalized loyalty programs, motivating your customers with giveaways, promotions, and other special marketing activities directly to their mobile devices instantly.